
Automation Anywhere’s Bot Streamlines Short-Time Work Applications

Discover how Jonas Knoll and his team at Automation Anywhere developed a bot to assist businesses with short-time work applications, enhancing automation in challenging times.
A new podcast episode of Bots and People was published on Oct 01, 2020:


Automation Anywhere’s Senior Sales Engineer, Jonas Knoll, discusses a project involving a bot designed to assist businesses with short-time work applications. He explains the project’s relevance and functionality in this episode.

Core content:

  • Jonas Knoll from Automation Anywhere shares insights into a new RPA bot project focused on aiding short-time work applications for companies.
  • The episode details how the bot functions to streamline processes related to short-time work and supports businesses during challenging times.
  • Listeners will learn about the practical applications of RPA technology in real-world business scenarios through this innovative project.


  • Understand how RPA can automate complex tasks and reduce the administrative burden on organizations navigating short-time work requirements.
  • Gain insights into the development process of an RPA bot tailored to assist with specific business challenges.
  • Learn about the broader implications of automation technology in improving business efficiency and decision-making.

The original content was published in German.



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