
Discover Insights from Die Prozess Philosophen Episode 4

Discover personal stories and insights from the hosts of Die Prozess Philosophen as they engage in a unique challenge of speaking entirely in German. Join the conversation for a humorous twist on BPM.
2024-06-27 18:01:06
A new podcast episode of “Die Prozess Philosophen” was published on Jun 27, 2024:


In the fourth episode of “Die Prozess Philosophen,” the hosts share personal insights and anecdotes, allowing listeners to get to know them better. The episode features a unique challenge: discussing everything without using English words, adding a humorous twist to the conversations.

Core content:

  • The episode provides an in-depth introduction to the hosts, revealing their professional and personal backgrounds.
  • Listeners are invited to enjoy a light-hearted exploration of language through a challenge to avoid English entirely.
  • Personal stories and insights deepen the connection between the hosts and the audience.


  • Gain insights into the personal and professional lives of the podcast hosts to enhance audience engagement.
  • Understand the challenges of language use in communications and how creativity can foster connection.
  • Learn how humor and personal storytelling can effectively convey deeper lessons in business processes.

The original content was published in German.




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