
Engaging Generations: Involving All in BPM Processes

Explore insights from psychologist Leona Holzbecher on bridging generational gaps in business processes and the need for a human-centric approach to enhance employee engagement and effectiveness.

A new podcast episode of New Process Lab was published on Mar 27, 2024:


Leona Holzbecher discusses the impact of generational differences on business processes in a recent podcast episode. She emphasizes how understanding these differences can inspire diverse teams and improve organizational change management.

Core content:

  • The podcast explores how various generations, including Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, and Gen Z, influence workplace processes and cultures.
  • Woodpecker identifies common stereotypes and conflicts arising from generational differences, which can affect team dynamics and communication.
  • Listeners are introduced to the concept of designing processes with a human-centric approach, valuing input from different generational perspectives.
  • Holzbecher shares practical strategies for integrating diverse generations in process design and implementation to enhance engagement and effectiveness.



  • Gain insights into the characteristics and values of different generations in the workplace and their influence on change management.
  • Understand how to leverage generational diversity to foster a more inclusive work environment that embraces diverse perspectives.
  • Learn practical methods to enhance employee engagement with processes by considering the human needs behind them.
  • Explore techniques for effectively communicating and obtaining feedback from a multigenerational workforce during process implementation.

The original content was published in English.


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