
Explore Cloud-Based Automation with Sebastian Heye

Gain insights into cloud-based end-to-end automation from Sebastian Heye, founder of wemakefuture. Explore tools like Zapier and Integromat for streamlining your business processes.

A new podcast episode of Bots and People was published on Oct 01, 2020:


Sebastian Heye, founder and managing director of wemakefuture, provides insights into cloud-based end-to-end automation tools like Zapier and Integromat, exploring their role in business process management.

Core content:

  • Sebastian Heye discusses his company, wemakefuture, and its focus on cloud-based automation.
  • The podcast features tools such as Zapier and Integromat, enhancing business process automation.
  • Listeners can ask questions, provide feedback, and express interest in automation training.
  • Experts in automation are invited to join the podcast for discussions.


  • Gain an understanding of end-to-end automation and its benefits in BPM.
  • Learn about effective tools facilitating cloud-based automation workflows.
  • Discover opportunities for interaction and training in automation topics.
  • Insights into community engagement for BPM experts and enthusiasts.

The original content was published in German.


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