
Exploring AI Integration in BPMN Processes

Discover insights from Thomas Gütt on integrating AI with BPMN for insurance claims processes, including the benefits of Camunda 8 connectors and the philosophical implications of AI in BPM.

A new blog post of Process Pitch was published on Aug 25, 2024 with the original title:

AI and Claims Regulation: Insights from Thomas Gütt


The blog features insights from Thomas Gütt on integrating AI with BPMN processes, particularly in the context of insurance claims regulation. It discusses the philosophical aspects of AI applications and showcases a live demonstration of an automated claims process.

Core content:

  • Thomas Gütt emphasizes the philosophical implications of AI in business process management while discussing his enthusiasm for summer.
  • The focus is on an AI-driven insurance claims process, demonstrating how incoming emails are sorted, data completeness is checked, and missing information is automatically requested.
  • A practical connection between BPMN and AI is illustrated with a live demonstration of the process flow in claims regulation.
  • Insights into Camunda 8 connectors show how to connect with other systems like OpenAI and Google, despite some industry reservations about their use.
  • Discussion on potential for a business department to describe processes that AI can convert into BPMN models, highlighting the current challenges in implementation.


  • Understand how to leverage AI for automating claims processes and the advantages this brings in terms of efficiency and accuracy.
  • Learn about the integration of AI with BPMN and the potential benefits it offers for process modeling and execution.
  • Discover the capabilities of Camunda 8 connectors and how they can simplify the connection with external systems for enhanced functionality.
  • Explore the feasibility of using AI to generate BPMN models from descriptions provided by business departments, along with the existing challenges.
  • Gain insights into the philosophical implications of AI’s role in business processes and its impact on traditional BPM practices.

The original content was published in German.



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