
Exploring BPMN Call Activities and Collaboration Models

Discover insights on call activity in process automation, collaboration models, and BPMN standards with Björn Richerzhagen from MINAUTICS, as he clarifies key terminology in the world of business process management.

A new blog post of the Process Pitch was published on Jun 30, 2024 with the original title:

Episode 12: Dealteam


This blog post features insights from Björn Richerzhagen of MINAUTICS on business process management, particularly emphasizing the ‘call activity’ symbol and the automation of deal team formation using diverse collaboration models.

Core content:

  • Björn introduces the ‘call activity’ symbol, which facilitates the starting of subprocesses within BPM.
  • The discussion includes a collaborative model to automate the formation of deal teams with various roles and workflows.
  • Insights are provided regarding multiple instantiation and the syntactic and semantic checks for BPMN models.
  • Different types of time events are clarified, namely interrupting and non-interrupting events.
  • A call for alternatives to the Camunda Modeler is made, highlighting the need for diverse tools in BPM.


  • Understand how to initiate subprocesses effectively using ‘call activities’ in BPMN.
  • Learn how to efficiently assemble deal teams through automation using diverse roles and workflows.
  • Gain knowledge on BPMN model validation processes, covering syntax and semantics.
  • Differentiate between interrupting and non-interrupting time events in BPM.
  • Recognize the demand for a variety of tools in business process modeling beyond existing options.

The original content was published in German.


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