
Exploring Business Processes with Humor and Insight

Join the hosts of ‘Die Prozess-Philosophen’ as they humorously explore business processes and clarify buzzwords, providing insights that make complex concepts accessible and engaging.
A new podcast episode of ‘Die Prozess-Philosophen’ was published on June 22, 2024:


This episode invites listeners to explore the intricacies of business processes with a blend of humor and expertise. The hosts aim to clarify common buzzwords and concepts, making the world of BPM more accessible and engaging for their audience.

Core content:

  • Listeners are encouraged to relax and engage with the discussion on business process management.
  • The episode aims to demystify common buzzwords in the BPM field.
  • Expert insights and humor are blended to make complex topics more relatable.
  • It promotes an understanding of BPM’s relevance and importance in today’s business landscape.
  • The hosts emphasize the journey through the world of processes, ensuring clarity for the audience.


  • Gain familiarity with essential BPM terminology and concepts through expert discussions.
  • Understand the significance of clear communication in business processes.
  • Learn how humor can be effectively integrated into serious topics for better comprehension.
  • Recognize the value of expertise when navigating complex business process issues.
  • Discover the importance of a relaxed mindset when exploring new concepts in BPM.

The original content was published in German.


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