
Exploring Enterprise Architecture with Carlisle Gunn

Discover insights from Carlisle Gunn, a strategic consultant at Trace3, as he discusses his journey in Enterprise Architecture and the evolving landscape of IT and business strategy.

2022-04-28 12:26:13

A new blog post of What’s Your Baseline was published on Apr 28, 2022:


The interview features Carlisle Gunn, a strategic consultant at Trace3, who shares insights about his work in enterprise architecture and business process improvement, along with personal anecdotes about his lifestyle and interests.

Core content:

  • Carlisle has a decade of experience in enterprise architecture, focusing on business and application architecture.
  • He emphasizes continuous learning and collaboration as key elements of his consulting role.
  • The interview explores personal interests, including outdoor activities and gaming, revealing a well-rounded personality.


  • Understanding the integration of IT and business strategies can enhance service delivery in consulting.
  • Carlisle’s journey highlights the importance of adaptability and lifelong learning in professional growth.
  • Personal hobbies and experiences can enrich one’s professional perspective, contributing to better teamwork and creativity.

The original content was published in English.



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