
Exploring the Impact of Digital Workforce Automation

Explore how automation is reshaping the workforce with insights from Ricardo Ullbrich, Digital Workforce Manager at Blueprism, in an engaging podcast discussion on digital transformation.
A new podcast episode of Bots & People was published on Oct 14, 2020:


In this episode, Ricardo Ullbrich, Digital Workforce Manager at Blueprism, discusses the impact of automation on human work. He emphasizes the concept of a digital workforce over traditional RPA terminology, explaining its significance in the evolving workplace environment.

Core content:

  • Ricardo Ullbrich shares insights on how automation will reshape human work dynamics.
  • The discussion focuses on the term “digital workforce” rather than just RPA, highlighting a broader perspective.
  • The podcast invites listeners to engage with questions, feedback, or interest in training on automation.
  • Experts in automation are encouraged to participate in future episodes.


  • Understand the differences between RPA and the emerging concept of a digital workforce.
  • Learn about the future implications of automation on job roles and workplace efficiency.
  • Gain insights into how to engage with the podcast community for further discussion and learning opportunities.
  • Discover avenues for professional development through training related to automation technologies.

The original content was published in German.



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