
Insights on New Work and Transformation from Hello.Beta

Explore inspiring insights from the Hello.Beta Live event, featuring expert discussions on resilience, intergenerational leadership, and the role of psychological safety in transforming workplace processes.
A new podcast episode of New Process Lab was published on Nov 22, 2023:


The latest episode delves into insights from the Hello.Beta Live event, featuring seven interviews with various experts discussing new work dynamics, organizational transformation, resilience, and psychological safety in the workplace. The conversations aim to inspire innovative practices in business processes.

Core content:

  • Seven dynamic mini-interviews explore key themes such as resilience in organizations and leading across generations, demonstrating current trends in workplace transformation.
  • Discussions focus on enhancing organizational structures, fostering psychological safety, and employing AI tools for innovative process improvement.
  • The Hello.Beta community aims to share best practices and insights, promoting collaboration among professionals interested in agile methodologies.


  • Listeners will understand how to build effective organizational cultures that emphasize resilience and psychological safety among team members.
  • The importance of open discussions about employee needs and emotional experiences at work, facilitating a supportive environment for growth.
  • Learn practical applications of AI tools in enhancing creative processes and improving efficiency in business operations.

The original content was published in English.



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