Discover insights from Patrick von Hardenberg on automation within the Otto Group, recruitment strategies in the automation field, and opportunities to engage with industry experts in this informative podcast episode.
A new podcast episode of Bots and People was published on Oct 01, 2020:
In the latest podcast, Patrick von Hardenberg, a Professional Expert in Robotic Process Automation, discusses the automation processes within the Otto Group and shares insights into recruitment criteria for automation roles.
Core content:
- Patrick von Hardenberg explains the implementation of Robotic Process Automation at the Otto Group, highlighting key initiatives and benefits.
- Insights are shared on how automation is reshaping business processes within the organization, making them more efficient.
- Patrick addresses the essential qualities he looks for when recruiting new team members in the automation sector.
- Listeners will gain an understanding of how automation is being strategically integrated into business processes at the Otto Group.
- The discussion sheds light on the recruitment strategies for finding capable professionals in the field of automation.
- Participants will learn about the practical applications and impacts of Robotic Process Automation in modern business.
The original content was published in German.