Discover insights from Julian Beckers on investing 30 million euros and his guidance from years past, alongside future trends in RPA, in this engaging podcast episode.
A new podcast episode of Bots and People was published on Oct 01, 2020:
In this episode featuring Julian Beckers, Managing Director of Weissenberg Group, listeners gain insights on strategic investments, valuable advice for aspiring professionals, and a look into the future of Robotic Process Automation (RPA).
Core content:
- Julian Beckers discusses his approach to investing €30 million in business opportunities.
- He shares his personal reflections and advice he would give to his younger self regarding career choices.
- Listeners will hear about practical projects Julian has worked on with the Weissenberg Group.
- A forward-looking perspective on the upcoming trends in the RPA sector is provided.
- Understand key investment strategies from an industry leader in business process management.
- Gain insights into the importance of reflecting on personal and professional growth.
- Discover practical examples of successful projects in automation.
- Learn about the potential future of RPA technologies and their implications for business.
The original content was published in German.