
Julian Beckers on Investing and RPA Insights

Discover insights from Julian Beckers, Managing Director at Weissenberg Group, on investing in RPA, lessons learned, and future trends in automation in this engaging podcast episode.

A new podcast episode of Bots and People was published on Oct 01, 2020:


In this podcast, Julian Beckers, Managing Director at Weissenberg Group, discusses his investment strategies, shares insights from various practical projects, and provides a future outlook on Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Core content:

  • Julian Beckers reveals how he would invest €30 million and what advice he would give his past self.
  • Insights from practical RPA projects at Weissenberg Group are shared, offering real-world experiences.
  • The discussion includes a forecast on the future development of automation technologies in business processes.


  • Listeners will gain insights into making strategic investment decisions in the tech sector.
  • Gain an understanding of practical automation projects and their implications for business efficiency.
  • Learn about emerging trends in Robotic Process Automation that could influence future business practices.

The original content was published in German.



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