
Leading 20,000+ Employees with BPM at Lufthansa Technik

Discover insights from Michael Bögle of Lufthansa Technik on leading over 20,000 employees through process-oriented management, and learn how his experiences crossing Greenland relate to effective process management.

A new podcast episode of New Process Podcast was published on Jul 13, 2022:


Michael Bögle from Lufthansa Technik discusses managing over 20,000 employees using a process-oriented integrated management system. He shares insights into inspiring management and employees through effective processes and discusses his experiences crossing Greenland on skis.

Core content:

  • Lufthansa Technik utilizes a process-oriented integrated management system to efficiently manage global operations and inspire employees and management alike.
  • Michael Bögle highlights his experience in developing a human-centric management system that underpins the maintenance, repair, and overhaul business unit at Lufthansa Group.
  • Insights from Michael’s process management expertise illustrate how effective processes can enhance organizational performance and employee engagement.


  • Understanding key elements of a management system and how it can lead and organize an enterprise effectively.
  • Strategies for inspiring both management and employees to engage with and embrace process management.
  • Practical recommendations for rethinking processes that can drive efficiency and results in a large organization.

The original content was published in English.



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