
What I’ve learned in April to rethink processes

Hi and welcome to the New Process Letter!

This is a really short and focused way to share with you my key learnings of the month and to inspire you to rethink processes.

So April, let’s do this. 🚀

The first real New Process Experience


Almost two weeks have passed and I have to say that I still haven’t processed all the impressions.

The two days at the New Process Conference 2024 not only flew by, it was just a great journey with everyone.

> practical insights:

You know it was so important for us to provide you with as much practical insight as possible. I was so happy to see that everyone was so involved from the very first minute. There were no first few minutes of silence. There was immediate discussion, sharing, asking the speakers for advice. I loved it! 🚀

> community & networking:

To be honest, I was a bit nervous going into these two days that we had been planning for half a year. But when I saw you all walk into the room and immediately start talking and discussing, the nervousness was gone. It was so nice to see how easily everyone got involved.

And like I said, it was so essential for me to see each of you in person, and I really have to say that it’s a difference for me now to reconnect with you because we had this joint experience. 🙏🏼

> new experience:

New: Definitely. I don’t think anyone has ever done a meditation at a BPM conference before, have they? But that was exactly the goal: to create new ways of thinking about processes, to think outside the box, to be risky and explore things that were probably not associated with BPM before.

Experience: After the conference, I thought for a long time about the right word, and the one that came to mind was “experience”. — Because that is really the purpose of what I am doing.

❌ strict and boring conferences → experience new ways of rethinking processes ✅

All in all, everything we had hoped and planned for came true and I am simply grateful that this first New Process Conference became a real EXPERIENCE thanks to the great participants.

So, what’s next?

This is only the beginning of the journey: We are already planning and thinking about how to implement what we have learned and how to deepen this experience. If you want to be part of it — join the community now!

Have a great day and thanks for reading!


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