
Process Mining: Elevating BPM with Wil van der Aalst

Discover insights from Wil van der Aalst, the Godfather of Process Mining, as he discusses the transformative impact of process mining on BPM, AI integration, and future trends in the field.

A new podcast episode of New Process Podcast was published on Jun 21, 2023:


This episode features Wil van der Aalst, a leading expert on Process Mining, discussing its impact on Business Process Management (BPM). The conversation explores the evolution of process mining, its significance in enhancing organizational processes, and its integration with artificial intelligence.

Core content:

  • Wil van der Aalst, known as the “Godfather of Process Mining,” shares insights into how process mining advances BPM.
  • The discussion highlights the importance of top-management support for successful process mining implementations.
  • Wil emphasizes creating a culture where ongoing process improvement becomes a way of life in organizations.
  • AI’s influence on BPM and the need for transparency in processes are critically examined.
  • He underscores the role of diversity and inclusion in developing effective process teams.


  • Listeners will learn how to involve employees in process mining projects effectively and the importance of transparency.
  • Strategies for convincing top management to invest in process mining initiatives will be discussed.
  • The episode outlines how to adapt to a more data-driven society and the necessity of education in process technology.
  • Consumers will gain insights into emerging trends in AI and their implications for BPM.
  • The importance of hands-on experience with process mining tools is emphasized as a way to deepen understanding.

The original content was published in English.



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