
Process Notation: Focus on Approach, Not Symbols

Discover insights on process management as Walter Bril, co-inventor of the Universal Process Notation, explores the significance of approach over notation with the podcast hosts.

2023-04-17 07:00:00

A new podcast episode of What’s Your Baseline? was published on Apr 17, 2023:


In the latest episode, Walter Bril discusses the importance of process notation in Business Process Management (BPM). While the Universal Process Notation (UPN) is introduced, Bril emphasizes that the choice of approach is more crucial than the notation itself.

Core content:

  • Walter Bril, co-inventor of UPN, shares insights on selecting process notation for BPM.
  • Bril argues that focusing on the overall approach to BPM is more important than the specific notation used.
  • The episode covers five essential questions to consider when modeling processes.
  • Listeners learn how to implement and advocate for new notations within organizations.
  • Bril’s experience includes process management and blockchain technology, adding a unique perspective.


  • Understand the influence of process notation and its limited importance compared to the BPM approach.
  • Gain insights into practical methods for engaging teams in process knowledge management.
  • Learn about the significance of asking the right questions in process modeling.
  • Discover strategies for successfully convincing colleagues to adopt new BPM methodologies.
  • Explore the intersection of process management and blockchain for innovative solutions.

The original content was published in English.



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