
Turning Failure into Success: Lessons from a BPM Project

Discover how Corinna Stadler turned a failed RPA project into success, sharing her journey and insights in a recent podcast episode on business process automation challenges and opportunities.
A new podcast episode of State of Process Automation was published on Aug 18, 2024:


Corinna Stadler reflects on her journey of taking over a failed RPA project, which faced numerous challenges. In this episode, she shares insights on transforming obstacles into opportunities and the importance of perseverance in business process management.

Core content:

  • Corinna was presented with a failed RPA project that no one wanted to take on due to previous setbacks and communication issues.
  • Despite the difficulties, Corinna seized the opportunity to lead the project after recognizing the need for process automation within her team.
  • Three years later, she shares her successful strategies for reviving the project in a recent podcast episode, highlighting her methodical approach to challenges.


  • Listeners will learn how to assess and manage troubled projects by identifying underlying issues and taking decisive action.
  • The episode offers valuable insights into the role of strong leadership in turning around failing initiatives.
  • Corinna emphasizes the importance of maintaining communication and clarity in project roles to streamline processes for better efficiency.

The original content was published in German.



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