
Understanding the Importance of Data Modeling in BPM

Discover the importance of data modeling in business processes and learn how to effectively define and structure essential entities and their relationships for successful application designs.

A new article of What’s Your Baseline was published on September 08, 2021:


Data modeling is often overlooked in projects, yet it plays a crucial role in providing clarity and structure to data usage, ensuring that business needs are accurately captured and implemented.

Core content:

  • Data modeling addresses what data represents, its storage, and how it is accessed within processes.
  • The distinction between conceptual and logical data models helps clarify definitions of entities, such as a customer.
  • Understanding relationships between entities is pivotal for accurate data modeling and usage.
  • Defining entity attributes helps transition from a conceptual model to a logical framework.
  • Heightened data privacy awareness mandates thorough data modeling in solution design.


  • Learn the importance of data modeling in avoiding miscommunication between business and technical teams.
  • Understand how to effectively define entities and their relationships for clearer data structures.
  • Gain insights into transitioning from conceptual to logical data models while maintaining a business perspective.
  • Discover the necessity of defining attributes and their formats for effective implementation.
  • Appreciate how data modeling aligns with data privacy regulations.

The original content was published in English.

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